Sunday, 13 May 2018

Bangladesh Cricket News : আফগান ও ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজ মোকাবেলায় ক্রিকেটারদের ফিটনেস !


Tigers’ strength and conditioning coach Mario Villavarayan said that there has been a huge change in attitude from the players regarding fitness.

The Bangladesh team are undertaking a training camp which started today at the Shere Bangla National Stadium in Mirpur. The cricketers will continue a week-long fitness and conditioning programme under trainer Mario Villavarayan before the focus shifts to skills training.
Speaking on the change in attitude, Mario explains: “Huge change in attitude towards fitness. When I hear, even when I was in Colombo and I heard that Tamim was training on his own and also some of the other boys. That gave me a lot of pleasure. So that’s why I said that there was a huge improvement in attitude.
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